Proof ApprovalAfter reviewing your final proof (sent via email), submit the form below to approve your design for printing. Client Name * Project * Print Quantity * Proof Review * I have carefully reviewed the final proof sent to me via email by Sweetbay Design Co. and confirm my proof contains no errors, typographical, informational or otherwise. I acknowledge my proof is correct and ready to print. It is the burden of the client to ensure all information included in a final proof is correct. By clicking "Approve Proof" below, Client assumes full responsibility for any unnoticed errors that may be present in their final proof. Printed materials will be ordered using this proof exactly as it is. Any reprints or corrective materials made necessary by errors present in this approved final proof will be designed and/or ordered at Client's expense. Thank you for submitting your approval of your final proof. Your invoice will be sent shortly. Once payment is made, your prints will be ordered.